Panikoorka Plant In Hindi
A plant with many names, Plectranthus amboinicus is commonly called Cuban oregano and also bears the monikers Mexican mint, Indian borage and Caribbean oregano. This evergreen perennial works well in mixed beds and mass plantings and as a ground-cover. Its edible, fragrant, rounded leaves bear a terminal point, serrated margins and a soft pubescence. Cuban oregano produces trumpet-shaped, lavender, pink or white flowers. Hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 11, the plant thrives in full to partial sunlight and fast-draining, nutrient-rich, soil with a neutral pH level. Regular care ensures Cuban oregano's health and success in a garden.
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Jump to As an Ornamental Plant - Panikoorka or Indian Rock-Foil is a perennial plant growing up to a height of 90 cm. Its circular or heart-shaped leaves can. Panikoorka plant is a common sight in most homes in the Southern states of. In India it is known as Indian borage, in Hindi known as #Patta.
Water Cuban oregano when the top 1 to 2 inches of its soil becomes dry. Apply 1 inch of water from a garden hose directly to the surrounding ground. Water the plant during mid-morning hours to allow moistened foliage time to dry before nightfall. Never water so frequently that the soil becomes soggy or develops standing water.
Apply 1 tablespoon of 10-10-10, slow-release. granular fertilizer per 1 square foot of the Cuban oregano's soil in spring, just as new growth begins on the plant. Delfin lehrbuch svar pdf free. Spread the fertilizer in a band around the Cuban oregano, keeping it 6 inches from the plant's stems to prevent fertilizer burn. Mix the fertilizer granules into the top 3 inches of soil with a rake or garden fork. Water the area immediately to activate the fertilizer. Reapply the fertilizer every three months throughout the plant's active growing season.
Trim back the plant's overly long, vigorously growing or spindly stems as they occur throughout the growing season. Make each cut 1/4 inch above an outward-facing leaf stem, bud or lateral branch. Cut back all broken and otherwise damaged branches immediately upon discovering them.
Check both surfaces of the Cuban oregano's leaves each time you water the plant. Look for webbing or brown stippling caused by spider mites and round, waxy, white-to-gray mealybugs. Apply a neem oil-water solution to the plant if you find signs of spider mites or find mealybugs. Wear a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, gloves, safety glasses and a dust mask when handling, mixing and spraying neem oil to prevent direct contact with the solution. Mix 2 tablespoons neem oil with 1 gallon water in a tank sprayer to create the neem oil-water solution. Pump the tank's handle to pressurize the solution. Spray the solution onto the plant's pest-infested leaves, covering them completely. Respray the leaves every seven to 14 days until the insects die.
Divide the Cuban oregano in spring, just prior to it producing new growth, if it becomes overgrown or crowded in its location. Dig 6 inches from the plant's outer stems to create a 10-inch-deep circle around the plant by using a trowel. Push the trowel horizontally underneath the Cuban oregano's root ball to severe the root ball from the ground. Lift the plant from the ground, and brush off excess soil form its roots. Cut the plant into two to four sections by using a knife. Replant as many of the sections as desired, spacing them 3 to 6 feet apart. Plant the sections at the same soil depth they previously grew.
Things You Will Need
- Garden hose
- Tablespoon
- 10-10-10, slow-release, granular fertilizer
- Rake or garden fork
- Pruning shears
- Long-sleeved shirt
- Long pants
- Gloves
- Safety glasses
- Dust mask
- Neem oil
- 1-gallon container
- Tank sprayer
- Trowel
- Knife
- Sterilize pruning shears and all other cutting tools for 5 minutes in a solution consisting of one part rubbing alcohol and one part water both before and after use to prevent the spread of disease.
- Never spray neem oil on a windy day or when the temperature reaches 80 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer. Otherwise, the neem oil can drift or evaporate.
- Change your clothes immediately after spraying neem oil, and wash them to remove all traces of the solution.
- Store neem oil in its original container, keeping it away from children, pets and food.
References (5)
The botanical name of Panikoorka is Plectranthus amboinicus . In India it is known as Indian borage, in Hindi known as Patta ajavayin, in Tamil – karpooravalli and referred as navaryila in Malayalam.
Panikoorka, natural remedy for fever, natural anti-pyretic
Panikoorka is very effective home remedy for cold, fever and cough in children. Leaves of panikoorka is squeezed and the juice is taken. A teaspoonful of Panikoorka juice when given to babies would cure their cough, cold, fever, sore throat, nasal congestion and chest congestion. Grownups should take 2 tablespoonful of juice to relieve fever.
Panikoorka, very effective for cough and chest congestion
Panikoorka is a natural expectorant for children. Boil the leaves of panikoorka for 5 mins in 1 cup of water. When cool feed 2 tspn of this decoction to children for curing their cough, and bronchitis. Adults can take quarter cup of Panikoorka decoction for getting relief from chronic cough and bronchial asthma. Panikoorka is most effective in children. It is an effective natural remedy for excess phlegm and chest congestion. Ideal for asthma patients, they can consume decoction regularly for relief.
Panikoorka helps improve lactation
Panikoorka helps improve lactation in nursing mothers. The health benefits will be transferred to the child through milk.
Panikoorka addresses First aid too
Applying the extract of panikoorka leaves on the area relieves itching, infection, wounds etc. It is also an effective antidote for insect bites and scorpion bite. It is also used in the treatment of skis, disorders, dandruff and different types of allergies.
Panikoorka can be consumed in different ways to minimize the bitter taste and strong odor.
The juice is extracted from leaves by placing them on a hot tava. The leaves will become transparent when hot. Remove from the tava and squeeze them with your fingers. In case of grown up you can directly squeeze the washed leaves with your fingers to collect juice.
Infants and Toddlers:
- Two three drops of panikoorka leaves juice would treat chest congestion, cough, and cold in infants. Two three drops of the juice when applied on head, would prevent cough and cold in children and adults.
- Panikoorka leaves extract can be mixed with honey and applied on mother's breast so that infant will suck it when they drink milk. You can also apply panikoorka leaves on child’s lips.
- Panikoorka leaves extract can be mixed with powdered organic rock sugar ( Kalkandam in malayalam ) and given to toddlers for throat infection, cough and cold.
- When children complain of stomach pains,problem of worm, you can give Panikoorka leaves extract mixed with sugar three times a day.
- For relieving cough take a mix of panikoorka leaves extract, honey and lemon juice two times a day.
- Inhaling vapors with panikoorka leaves extract would cure cold and fever.
- Add few leaves of Panikoorka into the boiling water for steam inhalation when you have cough and cold . If you are using vaporizer , dip a cotton ball into the Panikoorka juice extract and put it in the mouth of the vaporizer.
- People suffering with gas trouble and flatulence can have heated panikoorka leaves extract with honey twice daily. Grownups suffering from bronchial asthma can consume panikoorka leaves extract mixed with honey and kalkandam.
Panikoorkais a good substitute for oregana flavor in dishes. Can be used to flavor dishes of meat – beef , lamb, etc. Panikoorka is very commonly grown as a potted plant. Indian Borage

Try out this snacky recipe which will relieve throat pain and fever:
Panikoorka bajji
- Panikoorka leaves 10 – 12 nos
- Chana powder -1 cup
- Onion finely chopped- ½ cup
- Green chillies finely chopped – 2 tsp
- Ginger finely chopped- ½ tsp
- Salt to taste
- Optional : addition of finely chopped curry leaves -1/2 tsp and Kothmir – 1 tsp
Mix all the ingredients. After 10 mins heat oil , dispense the mixture with a spoon into hot oil. Fry till it is brown. Drain bajjis onto tissue paper. Serve hot.