Download Software Pacific Storm Patch 1.52
Track your favorite stocks and portfolio holdings. Get FREE real-time news & analysis to your email. Join Seeking Alpha, the world’s largest investing community. Pacific Storm 1.3 patch for Australian release is availible for download. This version should also install on retail Singapore version. Download: Patch 1.3 Australian (4,5 Mb) Updated version of Pacific Storm 1.3 patch for those, who faced problems updating North American release. Download: Patch 1.3 English (9 Mb).
version: v.1.1 – v.1.52 UK
1. Fixed performance issues on the strategic level of the game;
2. Fixed CTDs during switching game modes;
3. Fixed errors in save files on tactical level of the game (AA guns
4. Fixed CTDs in game's configuration on some combination of hardware and
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video drivers;
5. Fixed CTDs when loading non-binary save files;
6. Fixed CTDs after loss of formation of certain type in the strategic level
of the game;
7. Fixed CTDs with returning large number of aircraft to the strategic level
of the game;
8. Fixed CTDs when you select a building to attack in auto-battle.
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Name | Type | Size | Date | Total | 7 days |
Pacific Storm: Allies - v.1.5 - v.1.52 US | patch | 11.4 MB | 5/29/2008 | 3.9K | 8 |
Pacific Storm: Allies | demo | 710 MB | 5/25/2007 | 2.3K | 5 |
Pacific Storm: Allies - v.1.1 - v.1.52 UK | patch | 29.9 MB | 3/26/2008 | 2.4K | 4 |
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