Space Engineers Ore Detector

Finding Ore

One of the most important activities you must complete in order to progress in Space Engineers is finding ore. Ore is needed to build new features on your ships and stations and so finding the right ore becomes extra important in trying to create your ideal projects. In Space Engineers finding ore is made a lot easier by following the below instructions.

The first thing you will have to look out for is dark spots on any planet’s surface as these places are where ores will spawn as shown below:

Is a block in Space Engineers. When attached to a ship and supplied with power, it will display up to 5 ore locations on the player's HUD when they are within range (exactly like the Hand Drill does, but with much greater range). Some times when powered down will need an ore to be mined to restart the Ore Detector.

Once you find one of these areas you will need to use your drill and ore detector and get to work to gather the ores that will eventually be uncovered. Premiere pro effects presets download. Retrieving the ore may require some trial and error but these spots will more often than not reward you with ore.

They used to be very dark, now it’s sort of speckled. On some terrain (particularly ICE), it’s really easy to see, on other terrain (sand, desert) it can be quite challenging. Ore patches are almost always within 100 meters of the surface, and a lot is within 30 meters. There are also these rocky boulders that are on the surface itself which used to contain all of the ores other than gold and platinum, but now are only iron.

I prefer the new shading, as the old ones had these massive ugly black splotches that made ore detectors almost irrelevant; you only needed one to identify what the ore was. Now, you basically need the detectors to find the ore in the first place. Unfortunately, the detector is also a little too short-ranged at only 150 m; it really needs to be 200-250 m.

Just look for small patches, they often contain gold and silver. If you only see gold then it most likely has also silver, just deeper.

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From this repository you can build Space Engineers. To play Space Engineers you need to own the game on Steam. Assets (audio, models, textures) are not included in this repository.

Before downloading the source code please read the EULA carefully - End User License Agreement.

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  • [Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition with Update 4] ( or different version of VS2013 with Update 4
  • Steam Client + Space Engineers game (to run and test the game)


Space Engineers must be installed on your computer, Steam must be running.

  • Clone or download and unpack the repository.
  • Open SpaceEngineers.sln in Visual Studio.
  • Open file global.props (it's in configuration folder).
  • Make sure ContentPath tag contains path to SpaceEngineers Content directory in Steam folder.
  • Start debugging by pressing F5 or select Debug - Start Debugging in main menu

Instead of modifying global.props, you can create user.props, more information here.

How to contribute

One way to contribute changes is to send a GitHub Pull Request.

To get started using GitHub:

  • Create your own Space Engineers fork by clicking the Fork button in the top right of this page.
  • Install a Git client on your computer.
  • Use the GitHub program to Sync the project's files to a folder on your computer.
  • Open up SpaceEngineers.sln in Visual Studio.
  • Modify the source codes and test your changes.
  • Using the GitHub program, you can easily submit contributions back up to your fork.
  • Do not commit to master, for each feature create new branch.
  • When you're ready to send the changes to the Keen Software House for review, simply create a Pull Request.
  • Following Coding rules will help us lower the time needed to process the PR and merge it thus increase the amount of PRs that can be merged

Advanced topics:

  • You can update your master branch by executing:
    • git pull master
  • If your master is tainted and any branch you make contains junk, you can do hard reset. All unmerged commits on master branch will be lost.
    • git checkout master
    • git fetch master
    • git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD
    • git push --force origin master

Common issues

Build error: The command '.3rdUtilsRunTemplate.bat '..MyEnumToStringsGenerated' exited with code 1.This is common when using old versions of Visual Studio, see Visual Studio support. It can also happen when TextTemplating.exe was not found for some reason (it should be installed with Visual Studio).

Assert: unable to find audio/model/texture file: 'xxxxxx'.This happens because repository is slightly ahead of content in Steam folder. Definitions (Content/Data) are taken from repository and may contain new definitions referencing assets which are not yet in Steam content folder. We decided to use definitions from repository by default, so you can easily modify it. You can edit global.props to use definitions from Steam (that should fix the issue). When running on Release asserts won't be shown; missing assets won't crash the game. More info here.

Where is the 64-bit version?

We're unable to provide a 64-bit version of all 3rd party libraries because of licensing. We're working on this and trying to negotiate a better license which will allow us to do that.