Pdf Cordyline Res Star

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Cordyline australis ‘Red Star’ Red Star Dracaena Boething Treeland Farms grows over 1,200 varieties of trees, shrubs, perennials and specialty plants on ten California nurseries to serve the wholesale landscape and nursery industries throughout the Western United States and beyond.

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Pdf Cordyline Res Star


Deb, I always like to combine plants with bright gold or ice blue foliage with burgundy plants similar to your Cordyline. Only 'blue' plant I can think of right now is Euphorbia myrsinities (Donkeytail) which would trail over the edges of the pot.

Red Star Evergreen

Questions answered on cordylines from Grows on You members. This advice is from our members, if you can't find what you're looking feel free to ask your question of our friendly community.

A couple of bright gold possibilities: Sedum rupestre 'Angelina' (bright gold foliage with red hues in the winter), Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea' (Creeping Jenny) - both which would be 'trailers'. There's another Lysimachia if you can find it - not sure of its name but it's similar to L. Congestiflora 'Outback Sunset' or 'Walkabout Sunset' - but the foliage is a deep orange-yellow with somewhat red margins. It does have bright yellow flowers, but it's grown more for the foliage than the flowers. However, this one may not be perennial for you, thinking it might be Zone 9?For mounding, there are some wonderful new Euphorbias this year that might work.

Red Dracena Spike

  1. A few years ago, there were only a handful of cordyline varieties, with Red Sensation and Red Star being the most popular. Now producers are growing dozens.
  2. The Cordyline Red Star is a great addition to any jungle or tropical themed garden. The Cordyline Red Star is a very unusual looking plant. The leaves on this plant are skinny and long arching and are a dark burgundy to a redish color. Get yours from Free Plants by Mail!

Cordyline Diseases

'Helena's Blush' has interesting tri-color foliage and 'Efanthia' is another - has maroon foliage during the winter months and reportedly with a more compact habit Lots of other Euphorbias as well, only some of them might be a little taller than you would want - but they are easy plants, drought tolerant, etc. And would probably work well if you intend to plant the Cordyline in a larger pot.There are probably plenty of other possibilities in your Zone 8 that I don't have experience with (Zone 6a here), but I'm sure someone else will be along with more suggestions. Be sure to post a picture whenever you get your combo done!Debbie. Due to a political protest today in San Francisco I had to make a detour from my normal route.I found myself in a very upscale neighborhood where people spare no expense in their gardens.Perpendicular across the street from actor Robin Williams' house was a spectacular English Tudor home that had a series of beautiful big Italian terra cotta pots lining the entry path. The pots were planted with a red Cordyline ( thought it to be Red Sensation ) and a chartreuse lime green helichrysum petiolare.I just about rear ended another vehicle gawking at this combination.It was traffic a stopper!Next time I go into the city I hope to remember to take my camera. This was one knock out combination!This message was edited Mar 19, 2007 8:19 PM.

Sempervirens,I think you are quite right. I have seen several different magazines, books and container gardens that have used the pairing of helichrysum and cordyline together for quite some time.If my memory serves me correctly I recall seeing old photographs in garden history books of the famed garden at Hidcote England using a Cordyline or a Draceana combined with a helichrysum. Those photographs date back to the 1930's.I've also seen Victorian era photos using this combo.( Ha! And we thought we are so original! )The helichrysum called ' lime light' was a knock out combined with the red cordyline.To my minds eye, I like it a bit better than the silver helichrysum and red cordyline combination.

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Home friendly cordylines are easy and fun to grow at indoors. But the problem arises when the plant growth diminishes. It can due to the several issues like overwatering, lack of nutrients, pests problem. To overcome these problems proper care must be taken for cordyline plants under right growing conditions.

In this article, you will be able to know about the growth factors and common problems in cordylines, its preventive methods and how it acts as an air purifier plant when planted indoors.

Cordyline is a woody flowering plant that is native to New Zealand, Australia, South America and the western Pacific Ocean regions. These plants are mostly used as houseplants in areas with bright light whereas in landscape method directly planted in the ground. It is a tropical perennial shrub used for ornamental purposes.

This plant is best known for bronze green and pink foliage. Some other red varieties prefer warm temperatures and bright sunlight for better growth. There is a belief that one of the cordyline variety cordyline fruitcosa brings good luck to its owner. This could be one of the reasons to grow more in Australia and New Zealand countries and also has the capability to purify the air by suppressing harmful toxins in the atmosphere.


  • 2 How to Grow Cordyline from Seeds?

Cordyline Varieties:

Cordyline species are classified into 24 species out of which 15 species are woody flowering plants. Here is the list of some popular cordyline varieties to grow in your home or garden.

Variety Origin
Cordyline australisNew Zealand
Cordyline cannifoliaAustralia
Cordyline fruiticosaPacific Regions
Cordyline obtectaNew Zealand
Cordyline minutifloraNew Guinea
Cordyline rubraAustralia
Cordyline strictaAustralia
Cordyline pumilioNew Zealand

How to Grow Cordyline from Seeds?

Cordyline plants like to grow with partial shade to full sun. But when planted in full requires more water to thrive. Here are some important factors of cordylines when you start growing from seeds…

Other Names: Good luck plant, Cabbage tree, Hawaii Ti, Palm lily

USDA Zones: 9-12

Flowers: Red, pink and yellow

Plant Height: 10 feet tall

Temperature: 65 – 70 F

Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade

Fertilizers: N-P-K (10-10-10)

Cordyline seed variety:

Before growing cordyline plant in your home, start purchasing cordyline seeds from a nursery or store. If your neighbors or friends grow them borrow few seeds to plant in your garden space.

Pot & Soil:

Choose a pot of size 6-8 inches when you start growing from seeds. Pots can be made of clay, a ceramic that has more capability to allow drainage water from the hole at the bottom. Later you can shift the plant to bigger pots when matures.

Select a suitable soil to grow them in pots. These plants are susceptible to fluoride toxicity which causes mottling, tip burn, and leaf death. To maintain the soil pH between 6.0 -6.5 in pots that reduces the fluoride absorption.

Water & Sunlight:

Water the plant sufficiently in required amounts. Cordyline plants grow best in the USDA region of 10-12. Do not overwater as the plant cannot survive and may die causing root rot.

The seeds may even germinate within 8-12 weeks when you maintain the temperature between 65-70 F. Also provides sunlight to a minimum of 6-8 hours a day that helps to absorb nutrients from the soil thereby promoting plant growth. Some plant varieties can even tolerate at low temperatures of 15 F. When the plant matures it grows to a height of 6-10 feet tall.


These plants require hard pruning method and mostly preferred during the mid-spring season. Simply remove the dead leaves, cut back to side shoots, basal shoots up to the ground level. After pruning encourages new growth by an application of balanced fertilizer in spring.


Repotting is done in case of cordyline plants when the roots emerge out from the pot. When you transfer the plant to bigger pots use the sandy soil mixed with compost or manure and is important to maintain the drainage levels properly.

Nutrient Deficiency

S. NoElement Deficiency Symptom
1NitrogenSlow growth, leaves become pale
2PhosphorusReduces leaf production, leaves turn blue color
3PotassiumPurplish brown patches at the base of petioles
4MagnesiumReduces plant height, leaves turn yellowish brown color

Pests & Diseases

Pests Diseases
AphidsBacterial leaf spot
Cabbage white butterflyFusarium spot
Cordyline caterpillarPoor color
ThripsDamping off
Spider mitesRoot rot


Fertilize the plant every month using balanced granular fertilizer in the ratio of (10-10-10). Apply fertilizers only to the damp soil and then water immediately after fertilizing. Also use organic matter such as compost, manure, Neem oil, insecticidal soaps and baking soda to deter pest problem.

Can you propagate Cordyline from Cuttings?

These plants are palm-like evergreen shrubs that produce long leaves in different colors. You can easily grow cordylines from leafless stem cuttings at outdoors.

Fill a flower pot with 60% of peat moss in it. Now insert the shorter stem into the mix to produce a new hybrid variety plant. Water thoroughly to the stem cuttings and place the pot in bright indirect light. If planted outdoors during starting stage then you can move it inside during winter season.

You can also propagate cordyline plant by simply taking a tip cutting from the plant and then root the cuttings in growing medium. Both of these propagation methods help the cordyline plants to grow quickly and make your garden look beautiful and also supplies fresh air by suppressing harmful toxins in the atmosphere.

Growing Tips

Here are some useful tips to grow cordyline plants in your home…

  • Fertilize the plants for every 4-6 weeks with organic content.
  • Wear gloves, goggles and face masks while pruning the cordyline plant.
  • Make sure the plant receives sunlight for a minimum of 6hrs a day when planted indoors.
  • Follow instructions & warning labels on seed covers, fertilizers before applying them.
  • The pot or container must have holes at the bottom for better air circulation and for maintaining proper drainage levels.
  • Keep children and pets like dogs and cats away from plants as they cannot tolerate bearing the harmful toxins releasing from the plants.
  • Add mulches such as dead leaves, ripe fruits, and vegetables at the base of the plant to retain soil moisture levels.

Is cordyline a perennial or annual?

A cordyline variety i.e. red star spike is a perennial flowering cold hardy plant in USDA regions of 9-11. Move the plant to indoors before there is a threat of frost. Plants may even die when left outdoors during frost time.

Can Cordylines survive winter?

Not all cordyline varieties will not survive in winter but only a few mature species can survive in winter outdoors in urban areas. You can also establish the plant in spring outdoors before the onset of the winter season.


What are the good companions for cordyline plants?

Cordyline plants are compatible with true and regular varieties. These plants grow quickly when planted with coleus, dusty miller, plectranthus, patio lime, and geraniums.

How often do you water cordylines?

Water the plant in required amounts so as to maintain moisture levels evenly. Do not allow the water to accumulate in its crown and leaves. You can also place planters near plants that allow evaporation process, air flow, and water drainage levels.

Are cordyline plants poisonous?

These plants are non-toxic to humans but can dangerous to your pets. When dogs and cats eat the leaves of cordylines, contains chemical compounds that are harmful and may result in vomiting, diarrhea and skin irritations to your pets.

What are the medicinal uses of cordylines?

Cordylines are used to treat injuries and illness either by boiling into a drink or into a paste. The growing tip of the plant is eaten raw for treating blood tonic issues and as a cleanser. Juice from the leaves is obtained by rubbing and is used for cuts and cracks.

Start growing these wonderful cordyline plants in your home or garden that add beauty to your garden and monitors your health. If you have amazing ideas about growing cordyline plants please share your experience with us.

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