Skyrim Followers Keep Up

Nov 03, 2016  Now they can keep up with you when running (not sprinting) and you can keep up with them when walking. Thus solving the issue of waiting for npcs to catch up if you haven't been sprinting and making it far less irritating to follow another npc. This also helps with followers not keeping up. From the UESP wiki's 'Skyim Followers - Follower Stats' article:A follower levels up according to the PC's level up to the follower's maximum level (which varies for each). With few exceptions, each follower has a maximum level, and a specific set of primary skills, which are dictated by their class. Prior to patch 1.6, a follower's skills, health, and other stats were set when they were.

A list of the top ten best followers in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

The Top Ten Best Followers In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


Serana is the best follower because she continues to progress until level fifty, she constantly learns new spells, she has very good starting gear, and the best part is she can't die so you don't have to worry about carrying all of their stuff

One of those characters you can really build a relationship with, much like Aela, because of all the time you will spend with her doing Dawnguard quests. Combat wise she casts the same spells as most vampires, and her raise thrall spell is strong enough to work on trolls and such in high levels. She has very high sneak and light armor, I even read that she is capable of doing a silent roll but I have not confirmed this yet.

Best follower. She's the type I'd fall in love with in a heart beat. Plus she's the most interesting. Aela may give her blood to make you a werewolf but apparently she will only do it once. After your cured your screwed if you wanted to go back. Serana on the other hand can change you to a vampire lord again and again after you have cured yourself. (She can bite me any day is all I got to say. ) and if your an archer she can make your eleven arrows even stronger. If not, it's something to consider. Last but not least she actually has a story. Now don't get me wrong I thought Aela was hot. But she did not have no story besides to be part of a few quests and send you off to kill a few silver hands.

Serana's 'drain life' ability makes her substantially harder to kill than most characters in the game, pairing this with giving her either a 'nightingale blade' or 'Harkon's sword' makes her even tankier since she is a vampire, her ice magic is useful at a distance since it drains the enemy's stamina, which lowers the amount of power attacks that must be dealt with. Furthermore, Serana can make your 'sunhallowed elven arrows' even stronger with her blood, allowing you to make it night time whenever you want. This is not even mentioning the fact that she makes a third temporary follower out of recent victims and can turn you back into a vampire lord as many times as you want. Furthermore, you can give her new armor aside from the powerful armor she starts with, with better enchantments to suit the way you use her, such as 'fortify health', 'fortify destruction', and 'resist magic' making her even more durable. Personally, I think she is superior to the bow wielding followers since it ..more


Maybe J'zargo can have the staff when you are done with its

Super strong in destruction and can wear heavy armor and be efficient with it. He is also one of the two khajiit's in the game so he is also unique.
He also has a mustache

The strongest follower in game. Can be up to lv.81 with the player.
Recommended for those having difficulties on a particular quest.

J'zargo has the lowest levels of spells of all mage followers.. that having been said on many board why NOT to use him, I found a simple approach to fix it! Since he will level all the way with you, give him very high staffs, he won't run out of charges as a follower. You should see him with double fireball blasters! Double BOOM. He's like a machine gun that way. Also this seems to keep him back out of the front line a bit more as he has distance and is very accurate with it.

3Aela the Huntress

Who else could have first place?
Aela is good looking, strong and just a great character.
She deserves the top place due mainly to the fact that she
Is one of the only plot based followers and she gives you
Her blood so that you may become a werewolf.
There is no-one better to have at your side.

She lets you become a werewolf.
Can any of the other people in the list do that?
No? Didn't think so.

Aela. She kills a giant on your first visit to Whiterun near the Hanningbrew Meadery. While giants aren't that difficult, it is kinda badass. Did I say she was a werewolf? A werewolf. More badass-ed-ness right there my friends. She is a valiant, honorable companion. She can kill with a bow like nobody's business. And if you give her some enchanted weapons like a sword or some waraxes.. Woah. Aela is my all-time follower. Bar none.

Free 5 levels of archery each level
Side boobs


If you killed cicero, you failed the darkbrotherhood storyline, who doesn't want an insane jester folowing them around saying 'stab you, stab you, stab you. '

If I see a nasty cat, I'll feed its corpse to my pet rat! Also, a good follower to have if you are a sneaking type, as unlike others he doesn't blow your cover as easily.

He was one of the first characters I met when I bumped into him on the road with his broken wheel. Was happily surprised to meet him again later on, he is as loyal as can be to you from beginning to end - and also the only follower I know to randomly start dancing as you're going through caves and dungeons. He's the only follower who keeps me sane, all the other ones start driving me nuts after a while

Cicero is hands down the best if your character uses stealth at all. His Sneak maxes out at 100. One-handed, 100, Archery 97, light armor 97. Plus he says and does the craziest things. One of the most well conceived characters in the whole game.

5Mjoll the Lioness

Mjoll the Lioness is in my opinion the best all around follower. She's versatile with almost anything you give her whether it be one-handed, two-handed, or even staves. She has a lot of inventory space, high health, high attack power, and above all things, she's literally invincible. When she can be downed, but she can never be out.

Probably the only wholly nice character in all of Skyrim. I never tire of her stories, plus she's essential, so no stray ice storms will take her out.

A powerful tank.
'enough Said.

Mjoll is like the Death Star without the weakness in the exhaust port. I played the game the first time through as a male high elf 100% wizard and she was my wife. I had her tanked out in daudric armor with enchanted dautric weapons and she killed everything. At times, she even shoved me out of the way to kill things. Now, I'm playing the game a second time through as a female redguard warrior using 100% weapons, heavy armor and no magic at all. I just hooked up with Mjoll again and we are twins in our orc armor. I think I'll marry her again anyway to add some sexual diversity to the game. All-in-all, Mjoll is a beast; she can't die and she kicks the crap out of everything..'May the White Take You! '


Frea can't die and levels indefinitely with the player. She has amazing starter gear and she also looks cool while she slays many enemies.

All around badass with very good armor and spells but is also a warrior and she's beautiful!

She squirted on me once when she firmly grasped the weapon I had thrusted into her inventory. We were battling SO hard when I accidentally hit her. She squirted a little on my armor, but I just wiped the bit of blood off and kept playing as normal.

She's definitely the most versatile follower out there. Feel kinda bad for killing her dad though


Literally the best mage in the game. Chain lightening spells blast everything away. J'zargo pales in comparison to this absolute beast of a man. That stupid cat probably chases his own tail while Marcurio is discussing and researching Dwemer architecture and history and mechanics like an absolute chad.

.. Its Marcurio! He's the best mage NPC in the game bar none. I mean, why wouldn't you want someone who can blast enemies with two-three spells in less than a second? I guess if you were also a mage he would be kill-stealing, but regardless. 500 gold and you broke the game =D

Lol its insane how quickly he cam kill things I am still standing true to marcurio even after 1500 hours of gameplay.. I'm writing this 2015, by the way. People still reading this skyrim=best game ever

Marcurio is my husband and he makes a great follower he killed a dragon in under 10 seconds.


She's been my companion for most of my play through Skyrim, she's a superb archer, plus she sneaks, goes hand to hand and has true moments of sarcastic brilliance.

Can't believe she isn't higher on this list, mostly because, you can carry her through Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild without questions. Once she levels at 30, there are others, but for the low game, no one is better if you're the sneaky kind.

'I do not envy those creatures that make a home in such cold and dark places as this. '

Watched her put an arrow through the eye of an invisible vampire, married that woman! Bows, sneak, and can circle dance like the best rogues out there. She was the perfect counter stab to my back biter fighter/thief.


Derkeethus: The bows shooting, dual weilding, sneaky Argonian that likes caves.

Can't die, plus he's a sweetie when you speak to him.
Proficient in block, one handed, and archery, which archery being his best skill

He is the only argonian follower and has been at my side for the entire game he also is great with a bow and the two ebony axes I gave him

Derkeethus can't come out the cave for me

10Dark Brotherhood Initiate

Levels up with you as you progress, has very high sneak, and she's very strong to boot. How can you beat her? Plus she's hot.

There are 2 initiates.. A hot babe and an annoying dude. Both very strong though, and sneaky.

Devilish with dual weapons, tag teams well with a housecarl. The only follower you can add in the game that allows you 2 human followers. A quick and agile follower that can cross ground quickly and tie up enemies allowing you to join in OR hit from range. I like Lydia/J'zargo with this guy.

I agree once you arm her with some extra stuff. Once you arm her with another dagger, a sword, and a bow and some arrows, you are ready for launch.

The Contenders

11Brelyna Maryon

I really wanted to like her, but she is just outclassed by just about every other mage in the game, but this is all outshined by how sweet of a companion and spouse she is!

She's a conjurer. Is that not enough?

She is such a boss, she summons atronachs and familiars, uses wards, does massive damage with flames and sparks, and even occasionally heals.

Good wife and follower. Makes you see green for a bit, who else makes you see green for a bit?


I mean come on, that ASS!

She got lost in a cave and now I can't find her she is such a dumb ass

It's funny how much she hates me and she still does everything I tell her.

Sfiii mame download for mac. Lydia is an awesome follower! I killed her accidentally. And I didn't want to load the game because the game was saved about 4 hours ago. I am pretty sad that I killed her.

13Farkas & Vilkas

Farkas is good for the archer type who like to hit from far away or for the kind of stealthy people who don't level up their health. Even for the cowards who like to hang back and have other people do the work. Vilkas is a total jerk sometimes, but he's pretty sweet, sometimes. Vilkas is kind of the same, but his styles are a bit different from Farkas'.

Well honestly, I think vilkas is marriage material for my female Dark Elf character & Farkas is pretty dumb, but the good kind.. Lol, Whatever that means.
Farkas is also a very good friend to my male RedGaurd character and has a somewhat more likeable quality to him, that his twin brother lacks I suppose,
Vilkas is 'likeable' too, but I think he has a personality that grows on you,
I don't count; Serana, Dark brotherhood initiates Female & Male & Cicero (if you didn't kill him), as followers that should be on this 'top 10 followers list',
Only because you can have all these people follow you at once, so I feel there is less of a need to rank them,
Because you won't/don't need to chose them separately, you can have them follow you along side any other of your followers,
But then again these people collectively are arguably the 'best' followers due to the fact that you can have them follow you all at once (this works on all platforms Skyrim ..more

Hard to decide between the twins.
If only you could have both at once..

These guys are awesome! Way better than any on this list.


Once took my first bite of human flesh and put on the ring she's been my 'go to girl'.. and yeah that creepy eye, her reverent devotion (to me) and the fact that she conjures up the corpses as fast as I can make them makes her the sexiest of 'em all. Who needs a whining valley girl like Serena when Eola has your back?

Cannibal Namira Follower Wizard Assasin.. What more do you need?

She's one tough mage.. I gave her some smithed up dual enchanted forsworn armor items and stole her crappy hide armor and now she can carry even more than I can. I like her 'I smell blood' comment.

She's been my follower for like 30 levels, she's simply awesome!

15Uthegerd the Unbroken

A very strong companion you can gain quickly.
You just have to beat her up.

I have been using her for a long time and she never dies. She is a great follower because she can use a bow and uses melee weapons. Great all around follower for low and high levels.

So far she's been a sturdy companion. Guess what's said about her here, is quite true. She is quite strong indeed.

I had this chick for not even 10 minutes during a quest and she got wrecked instantly. She has badass armor but pretty weak if you'd ask me.


Not only strong, but he never complains about anything. He gladly follows you and has a great range of dialogue. My #1

He is so cute and cunning and protects you at all costs. I've become so attached to this follower that I don't want a new one. Once he died by my own hand by accident that I committed suicide so the mission would restart.

Kharjo has a personality and he sticks out because of that. He is the best in the sense that he's well-rounded, suited for my archer character and funny. He's my favorite follower, even if there is technically stronger or more able followers.

He's like a retarded little brother who does whatever you say and is super strong.. My favorite by far


Before Skyrim came out he was a real person his first name was Erik and he was a huge fan of Skyrim but a couple of months before the game came out he died and Skyrim decided to honor his memory and have a character based off him by the name of Erik the slayer

Eric is funny as a companion! I never tire of him and he's BAD with a sword and shield

I always called him Erik the Red because I felt he was similar to the real life Erik the Red, well in some ways.

His motivation to adventure keeps him by my side


Meeko is a no-brainer. He counts as a pet, which means you can use him & another humanoid follower. This poor pup's master died & left him alone in the world. He'll follow you anywhere & risk his life to attack dragons. Plus that adorable face!

I had No idea he was So Lethal! ! He just Destroyed a Mammoth before I managed to fire off a Second Arrow. JEEZ! , Imagine if he could Fly! !. BYE DRAGONS! - JohntheBeast

I just love having dogs in Skyrim. He is always there beside the player and occasionally barking, very cute. He is loyal and a pretty good fighter, because he will keep off the enimies until you can get to them.

Loved Him but his Barking increased in Frequency until the ONLY Option was to Send him Home. DAMN SHAME! ! - JohntheBeast

19Teldryn Sero

Sero is the best companion and I will refuse to to anything (except the Goldenglow Estate mission, where I briefly dismissed him, which was my biggest mistake ever because I couldn't find him again and had to load a save but ANYWAY) and I love the unique voice and dialogue. One of his funny traits is that he REFUSES to put on any other kind of armor you give him unless it completely covers his face.
He's really reliable when you feel like going all out to kill something, and is super useful against dragons, because he doesn't have to use a bow and arrow, and like everyone else said, he's a great spell sword, and there's not many followers who can do that.
Yeah, this guy is great. I don't really know why everyone is obsessing over Lydia and Aela, and I personally just flat out despise Serana. Short and restrained rant session concluded.

A badass. I've had him follow me for so long he's become my best game friend. Also he is sarcastic.

He should be higher on the damn list. He has a unique personality, plus a spells word? How many spells words are in the damn game other than him who also have a good sense of humor and will never let you get bored? None! He's underrated!

Top 3. He shoots fireballs, summons fire atronachs, and is an awesome melee fighter. He's also one of five followers that can dual wield and he's very good at it. He's good at sneaking but has been known to set off traps sometimes. Totally worth it though. He also has something to comment about many places and situations. Levels to 60.
Interesting voice somewhere between silky and raspy. His starting armor looks so cool and unique, a throwback to Morrowind (my favorite TES game) and it looks more post-apocalyptic than high fantasy which is refreshing. Never seen his face but I bet he's one sexy Dunmer mofo!
Teldryn fanboys are fanboys for a reason. He's just a really strong and versatile follower with a heart of gold. Too bad you can't marry him.


Great follower. He tanks like a boss. Just whoop his ass and he'll die 4 you.

I kicked his ass in a fist fight and he's been at my side ever since. also, he's a two handed guy just like me

The lovely Benor is a loving devoted husband and a mighty warrior who protects my delicate mage body from the evils of the world.

Had him through out the entire game and he always just got back up like a badass.


With his restoration, Belrand is one tough follower to kill.
Always great to have him following you.

I needed a new follower after Lydia ran away (she didn't like J'Zargos falme cloak). Randomly I found Belrand in a tavern and thought 'Why the hell not. Look at his epic hair.' After a while I actually watched him fight (in a stupid outfit with antlers and stuff). He dominated everything plus he had an epic wolf companion. Obviously I crafted him an epic sword and gave it to him. That's how he transformed from 'random guy' to 'epic guy'. Best follower ever.

He's a powerhouse, period. He's more trained in One-Handed skills but if you give him a crazy weapon like a Giant's Club he does just a good job and looks epic holding a 20 pound looking club if he's wearing matching armor. Have him cast his familiar and then he'll either fight with his sword, club, or bow. He does good with crossbows, too!

'Do I get to keep it? Nah just kidding! '

22Lucien Lachance

Remember him from Oblivion?
He can never truly die, and you can summon and dismiss him much more easily than most followers
He does talk often but it's entertaining and nostalgic, plus the comments are great and entertaining
He's a power so you don't have to charge and release a spell to summon!
Same voice as Sheogorath!


He is a solid fighter with both the sword and bow. A plus about him is that if you marry him, he is pretty much immortal. The only way to kill him is to accidentally attack him during battle.

He destroys everything and dominates everyone! Plus he knows more than any of the other followers about dwarven ruins and caves. He is easily the strongest and most intelligent

Equip him well with best heavy armor and quality swords. He can be totally awesome.

He practically kills everything


Master level destruction trainer, blasts away most enemies with dual thunderbolts and can heal herself in battle. Plus she's essential so you can never kill her by mistake.

Faralda is a follower? I thought she was just a Teacher at the college of Winterhold


So nice. Does mostly anything I ask. Great fighter and doesn't talk too much, which I like. Some followers just talk too much, which gets annoying when you're trying to listen to someone else in the game talk.

Should be higher ranked near top!

Most underage follower in the game and I believe she is the only Dual wielder or one of very few dual wielders in game!
Upgrade her weapons, enchant one health drain, the other stamina drain, give her a good bow, good armor with armor bonus enchant, then give her as many enchants to archery and wielding that you can. S
She doesn't need latest and greatest to chew threw your enemies but why shoe your enemies mercy?


He is probably the best follower at my eyes. Very powerful, polyvalent and his past is really interesting. All his dialogues are very interesting, he is one of the most human characters.

Erandur is the best it just depends on what kind of things you give him, he is awesome with staffs and pretty good with two handed weapons

Gotta nice beard! AND, he prevents you from carrying an ugly, horrid staff around! Hopefully you aren't handicapped.. BUT, he WILL use Healing Hands to mend your wounded legs, so don't go worrying about that!.. Also, nice cloak. I am.. jealous.

Erandur is by far the #1 follower. His dialogue is great, he becomes more open and friendly the more you bring him on quests, he's great with both spells and maces, plus he won't attack you lest you attack him. Overall a great follower.

27Huskies from Dawnguard

Stronger than other dogs. Also, they are huskies..

They can't die unless you accidentally kill them.

Super cute! One husky actually killed a Blood Dragon before with me.



Vigilance is a beast dog, what's not to like about him?

Mans best friend! Period. Besides,.. What a name!

ONLY dog/or wolf NPC who can use the Fire Breath shout, once a day. Can't quite take the Ebony Warrior though, I'll admit. Strong teeth! AND,.. a good heart.

My first dog in the game, though his lifespan is low he's really cute and he risks anything for U.

29Aranea Ienith

I once forgot to pause my game when I went downstairs to eat..
When I came back, I realized Aranea was no where to be found, so I spent a while looking around, and found her standing in the middle of a bandit fort
A dragon was dead by her side and so were at least 9 bandits.

Cannot believe she isn't higher.. likely because a lot of players go for the Dark Brotherhood and/or Thieves Guild and she will blast you for that. Just wait till your done and go get her and she will follow through all the rest, like a BOSS.

This is one of the best mages in the game.. She could use expert level conjuration and destruction spells along with dual wielding staves.
I accidentally attacked her once and she made me fly- only complaint I have is her low magicka capabilities.. Sheesh.
You really have to enchant magicka regeneration or give her staves because she lasts about as long as I do in bed.

She's really cool. I gave her total dark brother hood armour and she looks amazing. She kills like a boss and I made a whole girl/dark brother hood crew with me, her, and the female dark brother hood initiate. We kill like pro's


Hard to believe she's not on this list. Was a wonderful replacement of Lydia. She is sweeter, doesn't get lost or blew my cover nearly as much. And she can actually manage kills. Besides, I'm not a mage bit it's nice having one at my side.

When we first started adventuring together she nearly killed me a couple times in melee but I've learned to keep her in front of me and she is so aggressive that once the action starts she is off on her own killing everything in sight. One tough woman.

I give her two fire staffs alongside her already impressive destruction magic, and she just absolutely annihilates the opposition. She's like the Human Torch. Super aggressive. I haven't used a lot of followers but Illia is fantastic.

I have used her for a long time and I have kicked ass with this chick. I put some good armor on her and now she can take a lot before she falls. Then she just gets back up.


I got him as a follower pretty early on, his destruction spells are super OP. Excellent help at lowering the enemies health, or clearing a bunch of enemies fast.

Onmund is great, some great destruction magic and not afraid to get stuck in

His spells are awesome and this guy helps a lot. Really useful for his magic abilities

His destruction spells seems to be stronger than my own. This guy is a BEAST!


Better than Sven. Light armored, trains in archery, and has himself a bow, quiver of arrows, and dagger. Pretty faithful. Not the best but he is my most common follower. I've armed him with thieves guild armor, only gauntlets and and boots are imperial steel enchanted with 15% increase on archery and one armed combat. He has a steel shield, imperial bow, steel arrows, dwarven dagger, sky forge steel sword and a torch. Shame he doesn't do destruction, restoration, and/or conjuration but you can't have everything. I understand your choice though if you disagree. If you agree, I am overjoyed(not literally) and the picture you see him in is totally awesome. Thanks for reading.

Faendal is bad when not invested in him. But through some investment, he can take down dragons practically on his own. Give him some good armour and a good bow, and he is a great companion.

This guy is one of the worst followers you can get in the game.(other than the dogs)he is very weak and attacks you over the smallest hit from you, another thing is that you can't transform into vampire lord while he is near you or he will attack you. The only thing that's even remotely good about him is that he can train you for free(if you keep taking the money back from him) so you could level up quicker but even that doesn't last long considering the fact that he is a novice trainer

Gave him an enchanted bow, a good armor. Can take down lots of enemies with archery and is decent with stealth. Easy to make him a follower early game. I like him

33Jordis the Sword-Maiden

Difficult to get in your early game but she sounds happy to Carry your burdens so were going to kill Lydia now

Nice voice, heavy armor and 1 handed weapon skills.

Surprised she is this low. Awesome follower in my opinion

Love her

34Ghorbash the Iron Hand

In my game he is my follower he kicks ass totally give him a two handed weapon and heavy armour and he is almost indestructible. He is also good with a bow so I really like him

Lirally kicks ass, I got attack by two dragons nexts to some little town me and the villages killed one and then turned around BOOM the dragon is dead thanks to him

He's not the only Orc male follower there's lob his my follower but I used to have him and he is awesome

He is my favorite follower and the only male Orc follower


I love Stenvar so much, I married him. I feel guilty when I do a quest that replaces him with a different follower! It's annoying when he dies though because I have to go back to my last save, I'd be lost without him and he carries all my stuff! I give him any cool staffs I get because my aim's crap and he's great with them. He did once randomly attack a guard outside Whiterun, then he said 'Well this is a fine mess you've gotten me into,' and I nearly died of shock because it's the only time he's said something different! Oh, and occasionally he kills my horse, not figured out why yet..

Definitely my favorite follower, plus he's my husband in game so I get the Lover's Comfort bonus when we stay at an inn. Anyways, what girl wouldn't want to travel with a guy that looks as good as he does in ebony armor?

I made a priestess character, all restoration magic no offensive. He was a badass. Keep him healed up and he kills everything.

He was a drunken mess, died on his first day in a storm cloak camp. - DapperPickle


Put her in some forsworn armour, 'enough said.

Strong and courageous. Funny how shes married to some gross looking miner dude, but I still married her anyway. Now that I think of it I think she had a kid too that she hasn't see in years.. Oh well

Good archer. Looks great in forsworn armor. Will fight until the end.

She stays out the way, doesn't hog the kills, and is a looker.


Gear her up and she's ready to go. She gorgeous and has no level cap. Really? How is she this low rated? She's definitely a hidden jewel that I guess most don't know about.

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Easily my favorite. Top fighting kills, hot in forsworn armour, cute and does not give attitude when asked to trade.

Ingjard should easily be in the top five. Surprised to see how far down the list she is considering her nigh unmatched beauty, her uncapped progression, and her mastery with heavy armor, two-handed weapons, archery, and block. Too bad she isn't marriable.

No level cap, very cool equipment and pretty a smile. Just saying..


I've tried other followers and they either got killed or didn't live up to their bad-ass reputation. Faendal on the other hand has been with me all the way. I gave him an ebony bow and a 90 glass arrows and he literally became a sniper for me. I added an ebony axe and an elf shield and he killed almost any melee opponent that charged him. My only beef is his high morality, which prevented him from picking pockets or opening Expert chests, but I forgive him for that since he has saved me so many times.

Kind and law abiding, but never reports you. doesn't talk much so he doesn't distract. Teaches you archery for free. Never retreats from battle. Good at using most weapons, distracts enemies, and is a good sneak. Also one of the first followers you can have.

EVEN BIGGER BOW THAN FAENDAL. And, he's got an iron dagger under his bed.. that's uplifting in some way, right? Never killed Camilla, no. He never killed Camilla. BUT,.. he does smell a little worse than Faendal (with his strong smelling Old Spice: Troll Fate & Nightshade)..

I've had him as a follower since level 1. Now I'm level 64 and he still kicks ass! Just give him a dragon bone bow and some arrows and he'll kill a legendary dragon for you. Can you beat him?


His spells are extremely diverse and he is near immortal from his self sustain. Pretty much a better version of Lydia. Except he isn't as cute

Quite a versatile companion. Good tank with heavy armor but a decent mage as well. Rather boring talker.

I just want to write about him so he has something but I'm heard people say his awesome I want to see him

Harry Potter is great he's a magic user I like to fart on him and I like killing Harry Potter

40Ralis Sedarys

This dude is a KILLING MACHINE. Light armor, high sneak, and strong. He likes to dual wield and that turns him into a ' Cuisinart as he dices up every mob in sight, and his light armor skill is so high he can tank! Don't kill him..recruit this and watch yourself become his sidekick.

Guys incredibly powerful, I turned around to fight a troll but ralis had already one hit killed it

Lol anyone claiming that Ralis isn't by far and away the most powerful follower is voting for reasons other than combat. This dude has one handed perks including dual flurry, dual Savagery, Savage Strike, and hack and slash, if given call to arms he'll kill Karstaag in seconds when healed. if you give him the right gear he'll hack everything to bits before you get a chance to even help. I always give him full deathbrand armor, dragonbone arrows, dragonbone bow, 2 chaos enchanted dragonbone war axes, ring and necklaces or peerless wielding, then I'll take an illusion philter to make illusion spells 70% STRONGER and use call to arms and he'll take down every single hostile enemy regardless of who or what they are as if they're all skeevers.


You can get him very early on in the game, and even though I am not sure as to how high his level goes, I know for sure that he makes extremely good use of heavy armour and weapons, and if you're the 'Warrior type', having Golldir along side you, both rushing into combat with your weapons drawn is something of a UNIQUE experience:))

You get to help him save his ancestors from a necromancer, and he has a lot of perks which many other followers don't have.

Level up to 30.. He can use bow, one/two handed weapons and heavy armor plus he can't die

Golldir!?.. Well, a golden smile, of course!


Definitely the BEST pet follower in game. They can equip weapons and armor, and you will be able to have a regular follower as well.

The little Riekling.. Amazing due to the fact he is an animal follower and can still equip armor, (with the ninth mask from Labyrinthian, you'll be seeing a lot of helping spectral dragon priests).

Give this little guy a set of good heavy armour and a giant's club and watch in satisfaction as he sweeps through bandit camps and dragon layers with ease

Small old looking aliens. they are the most strongest follower for me. strongest meme follower. Belifakathookawa!


Put some heavy armour on Vilkas and give him a powerful greatsword and he will become one powerful tank! Plus he is a werewolf!

Since he's only your follower after you complete the Companions Questline, he's useful to keep around to get Radiant Quests -- some of which will be dragon hunts.

Vilkas is intellegent, strong, and awesome with a greatsword!


Talos is the best follower but he is so weak he always died can't take a single bandit

Extremely powerful

He is really good with his Nordic Army, he tends to fall a lot.

Very good warrior in one hand combat and can summon a nord hero army with a thousand soldiers can be found in sovengarde after beating main campaign


Invincible while essential dog. Annoying and bad for stealth, but can kill anyone and never die

I miss Barbas, wish I'd never given him back now but his constant barking and nudging really started winding me up.

Barbas is so annoying though, so I just keep him at the sanctuary for backup when I need him

It can handle anyone in game

46Dremora Markynaz

Can be summoned with the Sanguine Rose

47Steadfast Dwarven Sphere

It is a rare follower because it equipped with a camphor to enable distance attacks. Also, it's animal type follower, so you can choose other human followers and bring both of them. Steadfast Dwarven Spider has these benefits, too. If there's one negative side, Dwarven Sphere is too ugly.

The fact that you can remake him if he dies and loot him makes him a bolt/gold source, along with his base attack being him due to crossbow and built in dwarfed dagger. Decent eefense, too.

Really great follower but you can only get him if you have the dragonborn DLC he is a good companion for levels 10-50


Fiery dragon hunter and marksman who hails from Morrowind. She is quite adept in Light Armor and Block, making her a good tank against challenging enemies. Her unique voice and dialogue options suits her personality perfectly. A must-have follower.

She's a real firebrand and very passionate about riding Skyrim of dragons. An ideal companion for the Dragonborn.

I think MOD characters shouldn't be on the list, ANYWHERE. They aren't in the regular game, so they have no place or reason to be here.


This is only my second follower after Lydia died, but I don't see much point in changing to anyone else. If Telvas and myself conjure a fire elemental then there is four of us and getting through most caves is pretty easy.

He is just awesome, no more to be said

A dark elf expert in destruction magic and in conjuration, can be found in tel mithryn after destroying the ash guardian

Should totally be 1st talk about wizardry!


Very good in most heavy armor. She is my wife and I love her.

Looks hot in her ebony armor. Gonna marry her one day!

I have had Iona from Riften for most of my game. She beasts most bandit camps before I can even reach them. She has a pretty good carry weight and and is one of the quieter followers (I hate talkative companions like Mjoll and Lydia). She has also never glitched on me.

Quick question please?
I'm liking the few assortment of horses in this game. But I have Lydia as my companion, and it seems somehow awkward to include a horse as my companion cannot keep up. If you have enough to pay, is it not possible to buy 2 horses? (1 for you, and another for your companion)
That would be very handy I think.
Does anyone have a horse and a companion too? If so, how do you handle that?
I came across Markarth for the time yesterday and noticed that I could buy a dog near the stables there.
Seems like a handy pet companion to have on your travels. But again, I don't think it could keep up if I had a horse,
and I'd be worried where it's got to if it ran into trouble. I would have liked the dog to jump up on my lap every time I
jumped up on my horse. That would save me any worry. I'm guessing the game mechanics don't allow for such though, right?
I'm just wondering if any mods have been made (for the PC though, I know) to allow anything like that?
I guess not for the possibility of the dog thing, but is there one which allows a companion to ride a horse along with you?
Just wondering out of curiosity really.